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Seal - Don't Cry

Seal - Don't Cry
アップロード者 foxysoul. - 音楽動画をHD画質でもっと見る!

(Seal) 1994

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Those tears are for someone else.
I hear your voice on the phone.
I hear you feel so alone.
My baby.

Ohh my baby.

Please my baby,

My baby,

When we were young,
And truth was paramount.
We were older then,
And we lived a life without any doubt.
Those memories,
They seem so long ago.

What's become of them? When you feel like me I want you to know.
...They've all gone for sure...

Don't cry.
Not alone.
Don't cry,
Tonight, my baby.
Don't cry,
You'll always be loved.
Don't cry,
My baby.

Today I dreamed,
Of friends I had before.
And I wonder why.
The ones who care don't call anymore.
My feelings hurt.
But you know I overcome the pain.
And I'm stronger now,
There can't be a fire unless there's a flame.

Don't cry.
Your not alone.
Don't cry,
Tonight, my baby.
Don't cry.
You'll always be loved.
Don't cry oh...
Limousines and sycophants,
Don't leave me now,
'Cause I'm afraid what you've done to me.
Is now the wolf.
In my bed, (L)

In my head.
In my head.
In my head.

The challenges, we took were hard enough.
They get harder now.
Even when we think that we've had enough.
Don't feel alone,
'Cause it's I you understand.
I'm your sedative,
Take a piece of me whenever you can.

Don't cry.... you're not alone.
...don't be so hard on yourself...

Don't cry.... tonight my baby
...These tears are for.....someone else...

Don't cry.... you'll always

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